SNTP client configuration task list
IPLink Software Configuration Guide
21 • SNTP client configuration
Mode: Configure
Setting SNTP client local time zone offset from GMT
In the following example the SNTP client local time zone offset is set to +2 hours ahead of GMT, e.g. for Swit-
zerland during Summer Time. Be aware that a space follows the + or – sign before the time offset is entered.
IPLink(cfg)#sntp-client gmt- 02:00:00
There is a short form notation supported as shown in the following example.
IPLink(cfg)#sntp-client gmt- 2
Defining the SNTP client anycast address
Anycast mode is designed for use with a set of cooperating servers whose addresses are not known beforehand
by the IPLink. An anycast client (IPLink) sends a request to the designated local broadcast or multicast group
address as described below. For this purpose, the NTP multicast group address assigned by the IANA is used.
One or more anycast servers listen on the designated local broadcast address or multicast group address. Each
anycast server, upon receiving a request, sends a unicast reply message to the originating client. The client then
binds to the first such message received and continues operation in unicast mode. Subsequent replies from
other anycast servers are ignored.
In anycast mode, the IPLink sends a request to a designated local broadcast or multicast group address and
expects a reply from one or more anycast servers. The IPLink uses the first reply received to establish the partic-
ular server for subsequent unicast operations. Later replies from this server (duplicates) or any other server are
Other than the selection of address in the request, the operations of anycast and unicast clients are identical.
This procedure describes how to set local broadcast address or multicast group address to which the anycast
request is sent
node(cfg)#sntp-client gmt-offset
Specifies the SNTP client constant offset from GMT,
where offset is + or – followed by hh:mm:ss, with a
range from –24:00:00 to +24:00:00