SNMP interface traps
IPLink Software Configuration Guide
20 • SNMP configuration
The standard SNMP version 1 trap coldStart as listed below is not sup-
ported. After powering up an IPLink device sends a warmStart trap message
if any trap target host is defined.
SNMP interface traps
The IPLink sends Interface Traps (linkUp, linkDown) when the status of logical or physical interfaces change.
Logical interfaces are interfaces defined in the IP context (IP interfaces). Physical interfaces are ports in the
IPLink terminology (Ethernet, ISDN, and Serial Ports).
The IPLink assigns an index to each interface (ifIndex) in order to identify the Interface Traps. These assign-
ments depend on the hardware and software configurations. The command
show snmp-if-alias-mapping
displays the relations between the indexes and the interfaces. It also lists the status of the interfaces.
IPLink(cfg)#show snmp-if-alias-mapping
ifIndex : Interface Name (Interface Type) Interface Status
1 : ETH00 (ethernet-csmacd) up
2 : ETH01 (ethernet-csmacd) up
3 : eth00 (IP) up
4 : eth01 (IP) up
Interface names in capital letters denote physical interfaces and in small letters logical interfaces.
The IPLink adds an entry to event log for each Interface Traps it sends:
IPLink(cfg)#show log
2002-09-06T14:54:38 : LOGINFO : Link up on interface ETH00.
2002-09-06T14:54:38 : LOGINFO : Link up on interface ETH01.
2002-09-06T14:54:39 : LOGINFO : Link up on interface eth00.
2002-09-06T14:54:39 : LOGINFO : Link up on interface eth01.