Link scheduler configuration task list
IPLink Software Configuration Guide
14 • Link scheduler configuration
Displaying link arbitration status (see
page 165
Displaying link scheduling profile information (see
page 165
Enable statistics gathering (see
page 165
Figure 25. Elements of link scheduler configuration
Defining the access control list profile
Packet classification
The basis for providing any QoS lies in the ability of a network device to identify and group specific packets.
This identification process is called packet classification. In IPLink software access control lists are used for
packet classification.
An access control list in IPLink software consists of a series of packet descriptions like “addressed to xyz”. Those
descriptions are called rules. For each packet the list of descriptions is sequentially checked and the first rule
that matches decides what happens to the packet. As far as filtering is concerned the rule decides if the packet is
discarded (“deny”) or passed on (“permit”). You can also add a traffic-class to the rule and if this rule is the first
matching rule for a packet it is tagged with the traffic-class name.
Link Arbiter
Different Types (Classes) of Traffic
IP Interface “wan”
The service-policy profile
defines the arbitration
mode and order in which
packets of different
classes are served.
This interface is used as
access link and normally
represents the bottleneck
of the system.