Accessing the IPLink software CLI task list
IPLink Software Configuration Guide
4 • Accessing the CLI
Accessing via the console port
To access an IPLink via its console port, the host computer must be connected directly to the console port
(labeled CONSOLE) with a serial cable (see
figure 5
). The host must use a terminal emulation application that
supports serial interface communication.
Figure 5. Setup for initial configuration via the console port
You do not need to configure IP settings if you access the IPLink via the con-
sole port.
Console port procedure
Before using the CLI to enter configuration commands, do the following:
1. Set up the hardware as described in the getting started guide that came with your IPLink system.
2. Configure your serial terminal for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
3. Connect the serial terminal to your IPLink. Use a serial cable according to Appendix A of the getting
started guide included with your IPLink device.
4. Power on your IPLink. A series of boot messages are displayed on the terminal screen. At the end of the
boot sequence, press the
key and the login screen will be displayed.
5. Proceed with logging in.
Serial interface