IPLink Software Configuration Guide
About this guide
Chapter 21,
"SNTP client configuration"
on page 240 describes how to configure a
simple network time pro-
(SNTP) client.
Chapter 22,
"DHCP configuration"
on page 251 provides an overview of the
dynamic host configuration
control protocol
(DHCP) and describes the tasks involved in its configuration.
Chapter 23,
"DNS configuration"
on page 261 describes how to configure the
domain name system
(DNS) component.
Chapter 24,
"DynDNS configuration"
on page 265 describes configuring the
dynamic DNS
(DynDNS) service.
Chapter 25,
"PPP configuration"
on page 270 describes how to configure the
point-to-point protocol
different link layers.
Chapter 26,
"VPN configuration"
on page 287 describes how to configure the VPN connections between
two IPLink devices or between an IPLink and a third-party device.
Chapter 27,
"CS context overview"
on page 327 gives an overview of IPLink software
context and its associated components and describes the tasks involved in its configuration.
Chapter 28,
"CS interface configuration"
on page 349 gives an overview of interfaces in the CS context and
describes the tasks involved its configuration.
Appendix A,
"Terms and definitions"
on page 304 contains the terms and their definitions that are used
throughout this IPLink software Software Configuration Guide.
Appendix B,
"Mode summary"
on page 309 illustrates the modes hierarchy.
Appendix C,
"Command summary"
on page 313 is a command reference.
Appendix D,
"Internetworking terms & acronyms"
on page 325 contains terms and definitions relating to
Appendix E,
"Used IP ports in the IPLink software"
on page 330 describes the used IP ports and available
voice codecs in IPLink software.
The following are used in this guide to help you become aware of potential problems:
A note presents additional information or interesting sidelights.
The alert symbol and IMPORTANT heading calls attention to
important information.