TQ10X User Guide
CPG—Configure Proportional Gain
Command Type: Set-up
Valid Software Version: A
Syntax: <a>CPGn
Units: N/A
Range: n = 0-32,767
Default Value: 16
Attributes: Immediate
Response to aCPG is *CPGn
Automatically Saved
See Also: CDG, CIG, CTG, RFS
This command is used for system tuning. This term represents the gain applied directly to
the position error. The proportional gain sets how active the system will be to position
error. High proportional gain will give a stiff, responsive system, but may result in
overshoot and oscillation.
Refer to Chapter
—Tuning for more information.
Set the proportional gain term to 50
Reports proportional gain term (*CPG50)
CR—Carriage Return
Command Type: Programming
Valid Software Version: A
Syntax: <a>CR
Units: N/A
Range: N/A
Default Value: N/A
Attributes: Buffered
See Also: LF
Savable in Sequence
The Carriage Return (CR) command determines when the controller has reached a
particular point in the execution buffer. When the controller reaches this command in the
buffer, it responds by issuing a carriage return (ASCII 13) over its interface back to the
host computer or terminal. If you place the CR command after a Go (G) command, it
indicates when a move is complete. If you place the CR command after a Trigger (TR)
command, it indicates when the trigger condition is met.
You can use Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) commands with the Quote (“)
command to display multiple-line messages via the RS-232C interface.
Sets mode to preset mode
Sets acceleration to 50 revs/sec
Sets Velocity to 5 revs/sec
Sets distance to 5,000 encoder counts
Executes the move (Go)
Sends a carriage return after move is completed
The motor moves 5,000 encoder counts. When the motor stops, the controller sends a
carriage return over its interface.
CTG—Configure Derivative Sampling Period
Command Type: Set-up
Valid Software Version: A
Syntax: <a>CTGn
Units: 266 µsec
Range: n = 0-255
Default Value: 0
Attributes: Immediate
Response to aCTG is *CTGn
Automatically Saved
See Also: CDG, CIG, CPG, RFS
This command is used for system tuning. Use CTG to adjust the derivative sampling
period. The system sampling period—266 µsec—is the period between updates of position
error. The derivative sampling period is an integer multiple of the system sampling period.
In general, a longer derivative sampling period gives a more constant derivative term and
improves stability. Many systems require a low CTG value to prevent oscillations,
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