TQ10X User Guide
Encoder Problems
Since the TQ10X relies on feedback information, the encoder connections are
critical for the unit to operate properly. If you suspect the controller is not receiving
good position data, use the following procedure to verify.
1. Disable the TQ10X (ST1 or OFF)
2. Enter a PZ command
3. Rotate the motor clockwise by hand approximately one revolution
4. Enter a PX. It should read approximately 4000 (for a 1000 line encoder)
5. Rotate counterclockwise one revolution.
6. Enter PX command. It should read approximately 0.
If your TQ10X did not respond with similar values, it is not receiving encoder
information. Either the encoder is mis-wired or in need of repair.
Homing Diagrams
The following diagrams are examples of the many possible homing set-ups. Your
parameters may vary and the results may vary slightly depending on your settings.
The CW side of the home pulse is the side closest to the CW limit. The CCW side
of the home pulse is the side closest to the CCW limit.
The long pulse diagrams are indicative of situations where the motor decelerates
while remaining inside the home pulse width due to the rapid homing deceleration
or a very wide home pulse. The short pulse diagrams are indicative of situations
where the motor decelerates through the home pulse width due to slow deceleration
or a very narrow pulse width.
If an end-of-travel limit is hit during the initial homing, refer to the homing dia-
gram for the opposite direction of travel.
The diagrams are drawn as a general guide. Velocity levels and slopes are drawn
to indicate the general move profile the motor will make during the go home move.
The vertical axis is velocity and the horizontal axis the position in relation to the
home input transitions. Some lines are drawn as closely as possible together to
indicate identical velocities, yet remain discernible.
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