TQ10X User Guide
XE—Sequence Erase
Command Type: Programming
Valid Software Version: A
Syntax: <a>XEn
Units: Sequences
Range: n = 1 - 7
Default Value: None
Attributes: Buffered,
See Also: XD, XR, XRP, XT
Never Saved
This command allows you to delete a sequence. The sequence that you specify (n) will be
deleted when you issue the command. Compumotor recommends that you delete a sequence
before re-defining it.
Deletes Sequence 1
Defines Sequence 1
XP—Set Power-up Sequence Mode
Command Type: Set-Up
Valid Software Version: A
Syntax: <a>XPn
Units: Sequences
Range: n = 0 - 9
Default Value: 0
Attributes: Buffered,
See Also: IN, XQ, XSP, XSR
Automatically Saved
This co mmand executes a single sequence or multiple sequences on power-up. If n = 1-7,
the sequence whose value = n will be executed on power up. Control will then be passed to
the RS-232C interface.
If n = 8, the sequence whose number appears on the sequence select inputs (configured with
the IN command) will be executed on power-up. Control will then be passed to the RS-
232C interface.
If n = 9, the sequence whose number appears on the Sequence Select inputs (configured
with the IN command) will be executed on power-up. When the first sequence is finished in
XP9 mode, the TQ10X will scan the Sequence Select inputs again and execute the next
sequence. This cycle will continue until a Stop (S) or Kill (K) command is issued, a limit is
encountered, an enable input is asserted, or the unit is powered down. The possible settings
for this command are:
n = Ø: No sequence is executed on power-up
n =1-7: Sequence 1 - 7 is executed on power-up
n = 8: Sequence select inputs are read (single run) on power-up
n = 9: Sequence select inputs are read (continuous run) on power-up
In XP9 mode, you can use the XQ1 command to stop the TQ10X from selecting the next
sequence until all the sequence select inputs are first opened.
Executes Sequence #1 on power-up
Erases Sequence #1
Defines Sequence #1
Disables CW & CCW limits
Sets acceleration to 10 revs/sec2
Sets velocity to 5 revs/sec
Sets distance to 4,000 encoder counts
Executes the move (Go)
Ends definition of Sequence #1
Resets the controller
The motor moves 4,000 encoder counts during power-up (with -M2 option only) or reset
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