RS-232C Problems
Use the following procedure to troubleshoot communication problems that you
may have with the TQ10X.
Be sure the host computer’s transmit (Tx) wire is wired to the TQ10X’s receive (Rx)
connection, and the host computer’s receive (Rx) wire is wired to the TQ10X’s
transmit (Tx) connection. Switch the receive and transmit wires on either the host or
TQ10X if the problem persists.
Confirm that the host and peripheral are configured for the same baud rate, 8 data
bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
Use signal ground as a reference, not earth ground.
Cable lengths should not exceed 50 ft. unless you are using some form of line driver,
optical coupler, or shield. As with any control signal, be sure to connect the cable
shield to earth ground at one end only.
To test the terminal or terminal emulation software and the RS-232C cable for proper
three-wire communication, unhook the TQ10X and enter a character. You should not
receive an echoed character. If you do, you are in half duplex mode; you should
switch to full duplex mode. Connect the host’s transmit and receive lines together
and send another character. You should receive the echoed character. If not, consult
the manufacturer of the host’s serial interface for proper pin outs.
(Note: This only applies to firmware 92-016637-01 Rev A and higher.) If the
controller echoes back & for each byte sent to the controller, a data communication
error has occurred. To re-establish communication, see the % command.
(Note: This only applies to firmware 92-016637-01 Rev A and higher.) To extend
cable length and/or improve noise immunity, RS-485 option is available as a custom
product request. Contact Custom Products department for details.
Software Debugging Tips
This section offers helpful tips for debugging programs and understanding errors
and fault conditions. The TQ10X has several tools that you can use to debug a
problem in the system. The software tools are listed below:
R—Report Status
RA—Limit Switch Status Report
RB—Loop, Pause, Shutdown, Trigger Status report
RSE—Report Servo Errors
IS—Input Status Report
BS—Buffer Status Report
B—Buffer Status Report
The troubleshooting table on the next page also offers possible causes for typical
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