5.10 Moving Fader Automation Modes
5.10.1 Introduction
This section describes automation modes that are normally selected on paths using
optional Moving Faders. Individual Moving Faders may be set to any mode desired. For a
complete understanding of available fader modes refer to the previous section for
information on Manual Fader Automation modes. Moving Fader modes can be utilized
on Manual Fader paths by employing Fader Flip. This technique is discussed in later in
this section.
Some terms in Eagle are associated but have different meanings. The following
describes how they are used when referring to Eagle Automation:
• Read
is a fader mode. When a fader is in Read, it reproduces fader levels and mutes
that have been written to automation by the Write, Update and Mute Write modes.
• Safe
is a record mode shown on the Video Display. When Eagle is in Safe mode,
levels and mutes cannot be written to data, regardless of the modes that the faders
are in.
• Write
is a fader mode. When a fader is in Write, it overwrites fader levels that have
been written to automation by the Write and Update modes.
• Record
is a record mode shown on the Video Display. When Eagle is in Record mode,
levels and mutes can be written to data. If all paths are in Read, nothing will be written
to data during Record.
5.10.2 Isolate Mode
Isolate mode causes any automated fader to emulate an unautomated manual fader.
When in Isolate, the path’s level always follows the fader position, it will not read or write
automation data or respond to a Group or Grand Master.
While in Isolate, a path ignores any mode changes from the Master Section or
button, except to exit Isolate.
• To execute Isolate from any mode:
and press
• Mode Indication:
LED = Flash,
LED = Flash
• To Exit Isolate mode:
and press
Isolate cannot be executed from the
Section 5 - Eagle Automation
Operation and Maintenance Manual
5 - 58
August 1999