5.8.6 How to Use Mix Edit Swap
Swap allows you to copy data between different faders and switches in the current mix.
The Swap window has a process list for setting up multiple operations. The list has two
From Module
To Module
. Clicking on a blank area of the list under
creates a new operation and clears module and path item settings.
Enter the time code where you want the copy operation to start in the Start
You can select the mix start or end, or an event time by clicking on the pull-down
menu next to the prompt.
Enter the time code where you want the copy operation to end in the End
Or you can enter the amount of time into the Length prompt and have Eagle
calculate the end time for you.
Click the operation list underneath
From Module
A box will appear.
Click on the module numbers that you want to copy data from.
Click on the Mix or Chan path items that you want to copy data from.
Click the operation list underneath
To Module
A box will appear.
Click on the module numbers that you want to copy data to.
If a single module is selected in the From Module box is selected, you can select
multiple modules to copy to.
If a block of modules in the From Module is selected, you will only be able to select
a contiguous block for the To Module.
Click on the Mix or Chan path items that you want to copy data to.
If a single switch is selected in the From Module box, it can be copied to switches
of different types in To Module. If multiple switches are selected in the From Module
box, their data will be copied to switches of the same type in the To Module box.
Section 5 - Eagle Automation
Operation and Maintenance Manual
5 - 46
August 1999
Selects modules to be edited.
Saves, Loads, and
Resets module and
item selections.
Selects Path Items to be edited.
Swap Tab
Applys or Undoes
Closes Window.
Source Modules
Type of Swap
Timecode where edit starts.
Timecode where edit ends.
Length of edit can be
entered or calculated
from Start and End Times.
Destination Modules.
Process list accepts multiple swap operations.
Update Track Sheet.