Image Display Mode Operation
Image Display mode provides a mechanism to quickly view the current state of all
controls on the console that require computer assisted nulling. In this mode, the status
LEDs on each module are used to display the current state (“Nulled”/”Out Of Null”) of a
series of controls on that input module.
Since there are not enough LEDs to display the status of all the controls for each input
module, the input module is divided into three banks, the Upper Section, the EQ section
and the Lower Section, as shown. In addition, three “Bank Nulled” indicators tell the
operator at a glance if any items in any of the three banks need to be nulled.
Upon recalling a Console Image, all input modules will be in Image Display Mode
displaying the Upper Section bank.
“Bank Nulled” Indicators
As a fast visual indication that nulling is required on a module, the three LEDs directly to
the left of the “Soft” key (EQ, Solo and On) are used as “Bank Nulled” indicators. With
these indicators, an operator can always see if an input module is completely nulled.
Conversely, if any (or all) of the three LEDs are on, the operator can quickly tell which
section(s) of the input module require nulling. The “Bank Nulled” indicators operate as
LED Label
Item(s) in the Upper Bank require correction
Upper Bank nulled
Item(s) in the EQ Bank require correction
EQ Bank nulled
Item(s) in the Lower Bank require correction
Lower Bank nulled
This indication system will be active and updated during all phases of the Image Recall
Selecting Image Display Bank
The operator may select which bank to view via the LCD Menu System. The current
bank selected will be indicated on the LCD screen as well as on the Input module’s
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Operation and Maintenance Manual
Section 4 - Operation
August 1999
Bank Null Indicators