5.5.14 Mix Processing Window
Eagle’s Mix Processing window provides mix note entry and control of post pass
Pass Notes
The Pass Notes prompt lets you store comments about the current mix for display in the
file dialog boxes.
Last Pass
The Last Pass box displays the previous mix’s notes.
Write Changes
The Write Changes options determine how levels and switch states written during a pass
affect data after time code has stopped. The three choices available are:
• To End of Time Code:
Levels and switch states are written until time code stops at
the end of a pass.
• To Next Change:
Levels and switch states in effect when time code stops are written
till the next change in data for that item. If there are no further changes for an item, the
data will be written till the end of the mix.
• To End of Mix:
Levels and switch states in effect when time code stops are written till
the end of the mix, overwriting any data previously written. This option is useful when
laying down the initial pass of a mix.
At End Of Pass
The At End Of Pass options determine what happens to the fader modes in effect at the
end of the pass.
• Set All Faders to Read:
Sets all faders to Read mode when time code stops. This is
useful as an auto safe mode to prevent writing moves unless a fader is put explicitly
into Write before or during a pass.
• Restore Original Fader Modes:
Returns all faders to the mode they were in at the
start of the pass.
• No Change:
Faders remain in their set modes until changed by the mixer.
Keep Mix Notes
When Keep Mix Notes is checked, the current mix’s notes are passed to the new write
mix when an archive takes place.
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Section 5 - Eagle Automation
August 1999
5 - 23