1.1 System Description
The STATUS 18R is a digitally controlled analog audio console. The heart of the console
is the Status Control System (SCS), a central control panel that manages most aspects
of the console’s operation. The SCS eliminates the need for redundant switches on the
input modules and provides a simple, logical way of operating the console.
Fader levels and most switching and signal routing functions are under computer
control. This provides for snapshot store and recall of console switch states and mix
levels. Optional DISKMIX automation provides dynamic automation of faders and mutes.
With the STATUS Image Recall feature, the position of all Input Module knobs and
switches can be stored, then manually reset, guided by each module’s LED display.
1.1.1 Analog Features
12 Track Buses split to 24 discrete Track Outputs, 8 Aux Buses and 1 Stereo Mix
Dual Path I/O modules with 4 Band EQ that may be assigned to either path or split
between the two.
All Master Outputs are ba4 dBu. Module Insert Send and Direct Out are
unbalanced 0.5 dBu.
AFL, PFL or In Place Solo independently selectable on each path.
Extensive monitoring facilities with 8 Sources and Near Field Monitor Output.
Complete Slate, Studio and Cue Communications included.
1.1.2 Digital Control Features
Console Snapshot storage and recall of all computer controlled Input Module
Storage of all Input Module pot and switch positions. Knobs and mechanical
switches are then manually matched to the stored settings with the aid of the
module LED display.
User Programmable SoftKey for programming regularly used functions.
Single or Multiple modules may be “Selected” and edited simultaneously.
CompuCal™ Computer calibration of internal signal levels and meters.
Programmable user presets for defining master switching functions.
System software and files reside on the console’s on-board floppy disk drive.
1.1.3 Dual Path Design
The STATUS 18R employs an in-line I/O MODULE design which places all input and
output controls and electronics for two audio channels within a single module. This
creates a compact system that is functionally versatile, yet simple to operate. The
uncluttered layout provides a quick understanding of each control’s location and
purpose. Signal flow is straightforward and easy to follow.
1.1.4 Minimum Noise Gain Summing
All Multitrack and Aux buses employ Minimum Noise Gain Summing. When a module is
not assigned, it is completely disconnected from its summing bus. Since the noise gain
of a summing bus is dependent on the number of inputs summed, when only 3
channels, for example, are assigned to a Group Bus, the noise of that bus is the same
as if the console had only three input modules.
1.1.5 Low Noise VCA Implementation
The STATUS 18R console uses premium grade Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCAs).
Bias currents are set for lowest noise and optimum distortion specifications. When gain
is required, it is added within the VCA circuit itself, not in the following stages, to reduce
overall system noise.
September 2000
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Operation and Maintenance Manual
Section 1 Introduction