5.5 Eagle Windows
5.5.1 Eagle Main Screen
The Eagle Main Screen consists of a number of specialized windows that work together.
• The
Tool Bar
provides direct access to commonly used windows and tools.
• The
Console window
is a graphical representation of the console surface.
• The
Console Controls window
affects selected faders and switches in the Console
• The
Time Line
provides a linear view of the mix and events.
• The
Mix Controls
allow saving and undoing passes.
• The
Time Code window
displays the automation time reference in different formats.
Record Controls
let you punch-in and insert sections of mix data.
• The
Info Bar
displays system statistics such as RAM and Disk usage, Timecode
format, etc.
Section 5 - Eagle Automation
Operation and Maintenance Manual
5 - 12
August 1999
Pull-Down Menu
Windows 95 Interface
Info Bar displays system statistics
and information.
Mix Controls for creating,
saving and undoing mixes.
Event Field shows current or next event or action.
Tool Bar
Track Sheet Labels
are displayed here.
Time Line shows
linear view of mix
and events.
Moves can be
viewed by
scrubbing pointer
through mix.
Console Controls Window affects
“selected” faders and switches.
Console Window is a graphical display of
the console surface. Physical faders and
switches can be actuated by pointer or
“selected” and controlled as a group.
Time Code Window
displays timecode. Offset
from incoming timecode
can be set.
Status Window shows
system Record, Preroll,
and Working messages.
Record Controls Window provides
punch-in and insert of automated
Marquee Window
displays user bitmaps
of favorite picture.