4.12.2 Pre Fader Aux Muting
Normally, Prefader Aux Sends mute when their associated path is muted. Prefader Aux
muting is desirable when using a pre-fader Aux Send as an effects send; it is undesirable
when using the send as a feed to a musician’s headphones. When “Tracking mode” is in
effect on a pre-fader Aux Send, the send will not mute when its associated path is
A UPS setting in the MISC menu of the LCD Menu System determines if Tracking mode
is active on the Channel and Mix path pre-fader Aux Sends. When tracking mode is on,
selected pre-fader Auxes will not mute when their associated path is muted.
Tracking Mode has no effect on Post-fader Aux Sends.
4.12.3 Module Indication
An Aux Send’s assignment is also displayed on the Input module LED Meter and Status
display by the
AUX 1-4
AUX 5-6
LEDs. The LEDs have a different meaning
depending on whether the Aux is sourced from one or both module paths.
Auxes sourced from a single source:
• When
Aux 1-4
is lit, Auxes 1 through 4 are sourced from the Chan path. When off,
Auxes 1–4 are sourced from the Mix path.
• When
Aux 5-8
is lit, Auxes 5 through 8 are sourced from the Mix path. When off,
Auxes 5–8 are sourced from the Chan path.
Auxes sourced from both paths:
• When
Aux 1-4
is lit, Auxes 1 through 4 are sourced from the Chan path. When off,
Auxes 1–4 are not sourced from the Chan path.
• When
Aux 5-8
is lit, Auxes 5 through 8 are sourced from the Mix path. When off,
Auxes 5–8 are not sourced from the Mix path.
4.12.4 Aux Master Mutes
The Aux Send master output levels are controlled by the Aux Master pots on the Analog
Master section of the Digital Master module. The Aux Masters can be muted using the
option in the Misc LCD Menu.
Aux Masters can be muted in the following combinations:
• Auxes 1 and 2
• Auxes 1 through 4
• Auxes 5 through 8
• Auxes 7 and 8
Section 4 - Operation
August 1999
4 - 23
Operation and Maintenance Manual
1-2 1-4 5-8 7-8