• Group:
Refers to a number of items related to each other for some purpose. This
could be a Select Group, a Fader Group, a Group Bus or a Group (Track) Output.
• Select Group:
Refers to a group of Input Modules attached to the Master Section of
the console at the same time. Group A, B and C buttons on the Master section store
preset Select Groups for recall.
• Fader Group:
Refers to a group of faders whose levels are controlled by a Master
• Group Bus:
One of 24 Group Buses in the console. A Group Bus sums signals that
are assigned to it by the Module’s Track Assign Matrix.
• Group Output:
Refers to output of the 24 Group Buses that normally feed a multitrack
recorder. The terms Group Output, Bus Output and Track Output are used
• Track:
The term Track used by itself normally refers to a record/playback channel on a
multitrack recorder.
• Track Assign:
Refers to the matrix that normally routes a signal to a track on a
multitrack recorder. In reality, the signal is being routed to a Group Output which is
connected to the input of a track on a multitrack recorder.
• Track Bus:
Means the same as Group Bus.
August 1999
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Operation and Maintenance Manual
Section 1 Introduction