OnSSI NetDVMS Rev 6.5
Image Server Administration
On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc. | 222 Route 59, Suite 303, Suffern, NY 10901 | T: 845-369-6400 | F: 845-369-8711 | www.onssi.com | [email protected] | page 161
User Administration Section
Accounts and rights for access client users are configured in the ImageServer Administrator
window's User Administration section. Access client users must be defined in this section in order
to be able to log in to the surveillance system.
Defining Users
To define access client users, click the User Setup button. This will open the
User administration
, in which you define users.
Defining User Access Rights
Once you have defined users, you are able to define whether all users should have access to
allfeatures in their access clients, including all available cameras, or whether access should be
restricted on an individual user basis.
Full Access for All Users
To give all users access to allfeatures and all available cameras, select Full access for all users.
Restricted Access
To use restricted access, select Restrict user access. Then click the User Access... button to open
Define User Rights window
, in which you define access rights for each user.
Master/Slave Setup Section
You are able to create a master/slave setup of NetDVMS servers. A master/slave setup will allow
remote users to transparently connect to more than one server simultaneously: When remote
users connect to the master server, they will instantly get access to the slave servers as well.
How many master servers can I use in a master/slave setup? An unlimited number of
servers per SLC (Software License Code, specified during
) can be designated as
master servers. If required—for example if your organization is very large and spread over many
geographical locations, or in case you want to create a redundancy solution—this allows you to
use several master servers in a master/slave setup.
How many slave servers can I use in a master/slave setup? An unlimited number of
servers can be defined as slave servers under a designated master server using the same
Software License Code.
Note: When using a master/slave setup, remote users and their rights must be defined in the
Image Server Administrator window on the master server as well as on each of the slave servers.
Note: Only cameras to which a remote user has been given access will be visible to the user,
regardless of whether the cameras are connected to the master server or to one of the slave
Note: If they are to be accessed from the internet, Enable Outside Access must be selected on all
involved servers, and ports must be mapped accordingly in the routers and/or firewalls used.