6.2. The Dashboard Tab
The default tab of the Operator Interface is the Dashboard. The Dashboard contains a high-level
overview on the state of the battery pack. This is the only page required for daily monitoring of the
battery pack.
Figure 7. Nuvation Energy BMS Operator Interface Dashboard screenshot
6.2.1. Warnings and Faults
Before going into the details of the gauges and information presented in the dashboard, it is
important to understand what a fault and a warning Nuvation Energy BMS status means.
An ALL OK indicates that there are no faults or warning. This is the normal state for Nuvation Energy BMS.
A Warning indicates the state of the battery system has been detected outside of its normal operational range. The
cause of the warning should be identified and a corrective action should be performed. For instance, if the warning is a
thermistor temperature measurement has become too hot, the battery system should be cooled to bring the
measurement back into the normal operational range.
Nuvation Energy Battery Control Panel - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-005
Rev 1.1, 2020-10-14
Curie Update 2