found on a label on the exterior of the product.
The Platform Interface currently supports the most recent versions of Mozilla Firefox
and Google Chrome. Other browsers such as Internet Explorer are not supported.
5.2.3. Verify Platform Settings
On the Platform Interface, from the left-hand menu, select
to bring up the network
configuration page. Review the network details on this page.
If any changes are necessary, refer to
for instructions and guidance on changing
networking settings.
Record the 'Bridge' IP address, netmask, and gateway settings. This is needed for
provisioning the stacks
Date and Timezone
On the Platform Interface, from the left-hand menu, select
to bring up the settings page.
Review the date/time and timezone information.
If any changes are necessary, refer to
for instructions and guidance on changing the
date/time and timezone values.
Nuvation Energy Battery Control Panel - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-005
Rev 1.1, 2020-10-14
Curie Update 2