The UI will not be functional while the Battery Control Panel is rebooting.
7.4.4. Setting the Date, Time, and Timezone
The Timezone and Date/Time are individually configurable.
Setting the Date and Time
1. Click the blue edit-button to the right of the "Time" label.
2. Select the date and time by clicking on the field that is shown.
3. Click "Apply" to save the changes or "Cancel" to discard the changes.
Setting the Timezone
1. Click on the blue edit-button to the right of the "Timezone" label
2. Select the desired timezone from the dropdown list.
3. Click "Apply" to save the changes or "Cancel" to discard the changes.
Nuvation Energy Battery Control Panel - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-005
Rev 1.1, 2020-10-14
Curie Update 2