The connection policy which dictates which stack will be the first to connect.
Set to
for the 'maximum power' policy. This will first connect the
stack with the median
stack voltage. Typically this is used when it is unknown whether the pack will be charging or
discharging in the near future.
Set to
for the 'charge' policy. This will first connect the
stack with the lowest stack
voltage. Typically this is used when the pack will be charged in the near future.
Set to
for the 'discharge' policy. This will first connect the
voltage. Typically this is used when the pack will be discharged in the near future.
By default, this feature is disabled. When disabled, stacks must be connected and disconnected
individually through the Operator Interface or via one of the supported Communication Protocols.
When the Battery Control Panel pack connection routine is disabled,
validation of
stack voltages occurs before connecting stacks. Unless each stack is using a pre-
charge circuit designed with this behavior in mind, use of the pack connection
routine is recommended.
8.6. Operational Limits
The operational limits of the pack are primarily defined by the configuration at the stack level. The
Battery Control Panel aggregates the limits and signals from each stack to produce overall pack-level
limits and signals automatically.
A number of additional triggers are present within the Battery Control Panel itself that define fault
thresholds at the pack level.
8.6.1. Stack Operation
Each enabled stack fault and warning states propagate up to the Battery Control Panel through
triggers. These triggers provide flexible error handling and allow stack level redundancy so a single
stack fault will not cause a pack fault and halt the entire system. The triggers which are the most
important in handling pack operation are described below.
Table 5. Stack Operational Limits
The minimum number of stacks in the
state required for the pack to be
operational. For no fault tolerance this should be set to (enabled stack count - 1). For
full fault tolerance this should be set to 0.
The minimum number of stacks in the
state required for the pack to indicate a
warning. Typically this is set to (enabled stack count - 1).
The count of
stacks in the warning state, above which the pack will indicate a
warning. Typically this is set to 0, which results in any enabled stack warning
indicating a pack warning.
With the above triggers any system can be configured to tolerate some stacks faulting. For example:
a 4 stack system which can still operate with at least two stacks
would set
pack_fault_ready_stacks.thresh = 1
. This indicates that a pack fault should stop operation if only one
Nuvation Energy Battery Control Panel - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-005
Rev 1.1, 2020-10-14
Curie Update 2