Compliancy with the regulations in force
Chapter 7
In order to guarantee compliancy with the regulations in force, you must adhere to the
following guidelines:
nBy/X readers must be equipped with devices which protect them against the
forced-opening and dislodgement of their casings from their locations, in compliance
with Level 2, as indicated in
paragraph 3-2-7 Installing nBy/X readers
The Tamper NO dislodgement-tamper-protection device of the control panel must be
JOY, nCode and cCode keypads must be equipped with enabled tamper-protection
devices, as indicated in
paragraph 3-3-2 Addressing the keypads
FLEX5/U expansion boards must be either mounted inside the metal enclosure of the
1050L or 10100L control panel, or equipped with devices which protect them against
the forced-opening of their casings and dislodgement from their locations, in
compliance with Performance level 2.
The lines relating to the intrusion-detection zones must be configured as 'Double
balancing' with double EOL resistors, or as Single balancing with single EOL resistor.
They must also be equipped with devices which protect them against the forced-
opening of their casings.
Terminal tamper, peripheral tamper and control-panel tamper events must trigger
audible signals (sounder signals) for a period of not less than 3 minutes.
The output activated by the previously mentioned tamper events must be different
from the output activated by alarms signals.
All Code PINs must have 6 digits.
If a Timer is used for automatic-arming operations, the Pre-arm times must be
programmed separately for each partition (the Pre-arm time must not be set at 0).
CEI 79-2
In particular, in order to guarantee CEI 79-2 compliancy of devices, the following
options must be programmed as follows.
The following options must not be activated in the “Panel Options” section:
•• ReaderBuzzer OFF
•• BypassAlsoTamper
•• OpenZonesArmLock
•• 50131ReaderLedOFF
•• 50131StatHidden
•• 50131IconsHidden
•• 50131AlarDelayed
•• 50131WarnLedMem
All of the “FaultsNotReady” options - from the “Other parameters” section - must be
The “Requires code” option - from the “Keypads - Choose peripheral - Options”
section - must be enabled for every keypad and shortcut in use.
The “Entry Time” parameter of each partition must be no more than 60 seconds.
EN50131, GRADE 2
Compliancy with EN50131 Grade 2 is guaranteed by observing the following guidelines.
In the “Panel options” section, enable:
•• Keypad lockout
•• OpenZonesArmLock
•• NoUserTamp.reset
•• 50131ReaderLedOFF
•• 50131StatHidden
•• 50131IconsHidden
•• 50131AlarDelayed
•• 50131WarnLedMem