Installation and programming manual
Technical terminology and Glossary
This type of zone usually comprises a motion detector which senses for the presence of
movement in the protected partition. For example, PIRs, Double technology detectors, magnetic
contacts on doors and windows.
A device which allows the control panel to make telephone calls over the GSM network and also
allows users to interact with the control panel over-the-phone or by means of SMS text
Activation of a zone with this configuration generates an immediate alarm even when the
partition it belongs to is disarmed. The outputs and programmed calls will be activated, but the
alarm will not be signaled on the red LEDs on the keypads and readers or on the keypad
Under normal circumstances zones with this attribute are activated manually (using hidden
buttons or similar devices) in situations of duress (armed robbery, etc.).
This is the two-way communication line (4 wires only) which connects the peripheral devices
(keypads, readers, expansions, etc.) to the control panel.
The 4 easily identifiable wires, on the control panel motherboard and on the expansions, are:
power 12 Volt
A terminal configured as a Controlled Output (I/O, input-output) is capable of reading the status
of the output.
This configuration can be used for creating automations, for example the condition of an alarm
condition on “AND” zones:
the single alarm events of two zones activate respectively an output terminal and an I/O terminal
both the outputs are monostable, for example at 30 seconds
the terminals are shorted
The input section of I/O terminals triggers the alarm actions (calls and sounderflashers), only
when the two zones are both violated (AND) within the monostable time of the outputs.
The Installer code is generally a 4, 5 or 6 digit PIN that allows the installer to access the system
Programming Menu either from a keypad or via the respective software programme, on
condition that all the system partitions are disarmed.
In accordance with EN 50131 grade 3 security, the installer code is a level 3 access code.
List of system functions and respective parameters accessed via keypad.
This menu allows the installer to program, check and change nearly all of the system
parameters. The installer menu can be accessed from any keypad after entry of a valid installer
PIN, and on condition that all the system partitions are disarmed, or can be accessed via a
computer equipped with the SmartLeague software.
Violation of a zone with this attribute will generate an immediate alarm (no delay).
A zone that monitors the inside of the protected building.
For example, the interior zones of an office building are the zones that monitor offices and
entrance points.
If a partition that a zone belongs to is armed in Stay mode, it will be unable to generate alarms.
A portable control device (card or keyfob) which allows the authorized user to access the
The key must be held in the vicinity of the reader in such a way to allow the system to read it
and permit access to authorized operations.
Each key is programmed with:
A random code selected from over 4 billion possible combinations.
A label (usually the name of the user).
The partitions it controls (arms, disarms, etc.).
A group of pre-set parameters which allow the key user to operate the system in accordance with
the authorized access level (for example, a key can be programmed to arm or disarm the system
only at certain times of the day).
This device allows users to access and control the system. Keypads can be connected to the
system via the I-BUS.
The keypad allows users to access and control the partitions which are common to both the
code and keypad in use. The user can arm/disarm partitions, view the status of the zones, stop
visual and audible signaling devices.
A generic magnetic-contact is a detector/sensor based on an magnet which, when placed near
the sensor, provokes the mechanical closure of an electrical contact.
If you wish to carry out maintenance work on the control without generating false alarms
(tamper and intrusion), you must put the control panel in “Maintenance” mode. The control
panel in must also be in “Maintenance” mode during the keypad and reader addressing process.
The other functions of the control panel are still available (arm/disarm operations, events, calls,
An output, that once activated, does not require an explicit command to deactivate it. This
output must be programmed with a timeout (Monostable time expressed in seconds or
minutes). Once activated, this output will remain active until the pre-set Monostable time
Generally, monostable outputs are used to provide continuous signaling of the events they are
associated with. For example, if the “Alarm Partition 1” event is associated with a monostable
output with a 2 minute timeout, the output (sounder) will signal the event for 2 minutes then
will deactivate automatically.