ArEA PArtitioning
Area Partitioning allows the control panel
zones to be split into two partitions; Area1
and Area2. The panel then effectively oper-
ates as two separate systems sharing only
the siren outputs and dialler.
Zones assigned to both Areas are armed
only when Area1 and Area2 are both armed.
This allows the Common Area zone/s to be
shared by both Areas.
For example, Office A and Office B operate
as separate areas but the entrance foyer
used by both offices is assigned to both
areas meaning it will automatically arm when
both Areas have armed. The Common Area
then automatically disarms when either
Area1 or Area2 disarms.
A User Code assigned to an Area can arm
and disarm only that Area. User Codes as-
signed to both Areas will operate both Areas
Arming and disarming is carried out as
normal from a single keypad or separate
keypads installed in both areas or by Radio
Area operation only applies to zones when
they are in the armed state. This means that
Day zones and 24hr zones are independent
of area operations.
The Temporary Day Zone feature allows
easy and flexible Day Zone selection and
While remaining in normal operating mode,
the user can add and remove Temporary
Day Zones and enable/disable day zone
operation using simple key strokes.
To enable Temporary Day Zone selection
and operation, the Brief Day Alarm feature
(installer option P64E 2E) must be ON. If
P64E 2E is OFF, the Temporary Day Zone
feature will be unavailable but Permanent
Day Zones will still operate and will sound
the programmed output while the zone is
P64E 2E is OFF by default.
UsEr CommAnDs
(In normal Operating
Selection Mode. Enter
followed by
when in operating mode
to enter Temporary Day Zone selection
[Zone no.]
Zone Selection. To select
or deselect zones to be Temporary Day
Zones. The selected zones are indicated by
the corresponding zone number.
Permanent Day Zones, (set by installer
option P53E), are not displayed in selection
mode. Permanent Day Zones can be
selected as Temporary Day Zones but this
has no effect as those zones are already
day zones.
Saves changes and returns to normal
operating mode.
E n a b l e s a n d D i s a b l e s
Day Mode. This enables/disables both
Temporary and Permanent Day Zones.
The Home icon flashes continuously when
Temporary Day Mode is enabled.
When Day Mode is enabled, any unsealed
day zone will sound the programmed
output for 2 seconds. When Day Mode is
disabled, an unsealed day zone will simply
be indicated on the keypad as an unsealed
kPx ChimE
The KPX keypad has a special two tone
chime which can be enabled in place of the
default beep warning tone. See P126E 4E.
AUx 2 oPtion
When the Temporary Day Zone feature
is enabled, the installer option P63E 6E
selects Aux 2 output instead of the strobe
output. This allows a remote warning
device such as a buzzer to be connected
for day zone warning. This may be needed
if an additional audible day zone warning
is needed, although the keypad sonalert,
(P63E 7E), is more than adequate in most
rELAtED oPtions
P64E 2E
, Brief Day Alarm. Turn this option
on to enable Temporary Day Zones. Factory
default = OFF.
P63E 5E
, Day Mode to Reset output.
P63E 6E
, Day Mode to Strobe output.
If P64E 2E is ON, then this option sends day
alarms to the AUX 2 output.
P63E 7E
, Day Mode to Sonalert.
P63E 8E
, Day Mode to Siren output.
, Permanent Day Zone selection.
P126E 4E,
Enable KPX Chime in Day Mode
Temporary Day Zone selections will be
lost if the panel is powered down or reset,
but are not affected by arming/disarming or
entering program mode.
tEmPorAry DAy ZonEs oPErAtion
(KPX+ and Navigator)
homE moDE
Home Mode allows selected zones to be armed
while the system is disarmed. For example, this
is often used to arm door and windows sensors
overnight, while allowing free movement within
the premises.
1. Home Mode will not arm if Area 1 is armed.
2. Home Mode will not arm if there are no
Home zones programmed, (P51E).
3. User codes assigned only to Area2
can arm but will not disarm Home Mode.
4. Zones which are to be armed in Home Mode
are selected using option P51E.
5. Home Mode can be armed by Keypad,
Radio Key or Access Card.
6. Audible outputs in Home Mode (set by
options P63E 1E-4E) are independent of
audible outputs in fully armed mode.
7. If dialler reporting is enabled, Home Mode
alarms will be reported as normal providing
a/ The zone/s are selected to report alarms
by option P74E.
b/ Options P64E 1E & 3E are off. (Brief
Home Alarm, Home Entry Delay2).
8. Zones selected to be Entry Delay1 zones
also have entry delay in Home Mode.
9. If Home Zones Entry Delay2 (P64E 3E) is
enabled, then
Home zones will have entry
delay as set by P27E.
ArEA PArtitioning
& homE moDE
The panel can be armed in Home mode
if Area2 is already armed on these condi-
1. Area 1 must be OFF.
2. Area 2 must be armed first, and then
Home armed – not the reverse.
3. Zones assigned to both Home mode
(P51E) and to Area 2 (P46E) will act
as Home zones when both Area 2 and
Home are armed.
4. Zones must be assigned to P51E to
allow Home arm.
5. User codes assigned only to Area2
can arm but
not disarm home
Note: Home arming when AREA 2 is
armed cannot be done by Radio Key
(double OFF button) or by keyswitch.
Note: Home Mode is not available when
Area 1 is armed.
P r o g r A m m i n g
Summary of Contents for D16XCEL
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