System • 3750CS-5 User Guide Page 73
Software V2-21 or greater, 2nd Generation Modem
on setting up a channel list. When preceded by the @0-31 command, do not use the @ sign in front of the weight
command; e.g. @1W3. If the @W or @V commands are used without the @0-31 in front, the scale mode cur-
rently displayed will provide the data.
Once an @# command is sent, all subsequent scale related commands will function on the set channel, until it is
changed again with @#.
Input Data Form (examples, any W or V command will work):
Print the Weight in the last display mode of the scale channel in position 1 of the scan list.
Print the Gross Weight of the scale channel first in the scan list.
@31W2 Print the Net Weight of the scale channel last in the scan list.
Output Data Form:
Is dictated by the suffix command, see “@W” and “@V”.
Output Data Form:
Is dictated by the suffix command, see “@W” and “@V”.
Use the @? to print the active scale channel # set by the @# command.
The MSI-3750CS can interface to computers via RS-232. All functions can be controlled remotely and all setups
can be downloaded automatically. The computer can query the scale at any time to get status, weight, or accu-
mulated totals.
General Protocol
The MSI-3750CS responds to ASCII commands that consist of a two letter mnemonic. Depending on the com-
mand, a 1 or 2 digit item selection (sub-code) may be required. Certain commands require user supplied data.
Commands sent from a host computer can be chained together in any order. Commands are terminated by another
command or by a semicolon (;). It is necessary to end a multiple command string with the semicolon as a termi-
nator. Variable length numeric data must be terminated by a semicolon or by another command. Variable length
alphanumeric data must be terminated by a semicolon before adding additional commands. Commands are case
sensitive, only capital letters are used. The 3750CS will not accept commands if it is in any setup mode caused
by pushing the SETUP key.
It is important that the final character sent to the 3750CS is a semicolon (;).
“@” Commands Under Computer Control
The “@” commands also function under computer control, however they act differently than standard computer
commands. The “@” commands, when received by the 3750CS, will cause the immediate transmission of the
asked for data type out the Comm port. The “;” delimiter is usually not necessary unless the “@” commands are