Page 36 MSI-3750CS-5 RF Weighmeter • User Guide
Mode 5, Onaccept: In conjunction with target weights set up in the set points menus, the Onaccept total mode
will automatically total settled readings that fall within the preselected accept weight window. See Section 8 “Set
Points” for information on setting accept limits.
Auto Total Operation
1) Enable the desired Auto Total mode in the “SETUP TOTAL” menu (see “SETUP TOTAL”). Select either the
“AUTONORM” or the “AUTOPEAK” mode. Exit from the setup menu.
2) Use the
key to disable (“TOTALOFF”) or enable (“TOTAL ON”) Auto Total.
3) Place the weight to be totaled on the scale. The Total LED will flash three or more times when the weight is
settled. In high speed operations it is not necessary to wait for the three flashes. The total is accepted when
the first flash appears.
4) Remove the weight. The screen will read “x TOTAL” where x is the number of totaled weighments.
The total key is used as a Total On, Total Off, toggle key which is indicated briefly on the message display (i.e. “TOTAL ON” or “TOTAL OFF”). Auto Totaling will
only occur in the TOTAL ON mode. The Auto Total On mode is indicated by an “AUTO
” annunciator on the LCD. This feature allows the user to turn off Auto
Total for periods in which the scale needs to be used without adding to the total. Turning the Auto Total off does not erase the current total. See “To Clear the Total
Value” to learn how to erase the Total.
Rules for Auto Total:
1) Cannot be in motion. An auto total acceptable reading is indicated by three or more short flashes of the Total
2) Weight readings must be greater than the set Total Threshold.
3) Each reading added to total must be preceded by a return to zero (Net or Gross) or below the Total Thresh-
Allows Front Panel entry of Totalizing parameters.
Not Yet Implemented
The Manual mode requires that the
key is pushed when the weight currently on the scale should be added
to the previously accumulated value. See description on previous page of the 7 total modes.
Enables or disables Motion Detection for Manual Total. Has no effect on AUTOTOTAL. This menu item controls
whether the scale has to be out of motion before it will total. In certain high vibration applications it is sometimes
desirable to turn off the motion detect so that Totalizing can occur. This feature is disabled for legal-for-trade
Sets the weight value above which Totalizing is allowed. For example, setting the threshold to 10% on a 200
kg scale will set the threshold at 20 kg. Only weight above 20 kg will add to the Total. Once totaled, the weight
must return below the Total Threshold to enable the next totalizing. This prevents the same weight from being
totaled twice.
Another example: On a scale with a capacity of 1000 kg the user desires to Auto Total all weight that exceeds 50
kg. Since 50 kg is 5% of 1000 kg, the Total Threshold is set to 5%. The Threshold is entered in 1% increments.