Page 62 MSI-3750CS-5 RF Weighmeter • User Guide
determines if printing is allowed or disallowed when the weight is in motion and/or not stable.
2) Computer Control:
The computer can control and receive data from the MSI 3750CS through the use of simple ASCII commands.
These commands can be sent through the use of a data communications terminal, or a custom computer pro-
gram. The “MOTN DET” menu determines if printing is allowed or disallowed when the weight is in motion
and/or not stable.
3) Print on Total:
When the weight is totaled, one transmission of data will occur. Once transmitted, the scale must return below
the Total Threshold (See Total Setup) to re-enable the transmission. Interval has no effect in this mode.
Using Print on Total with the Auto Total enabled should not be used with any weight print-out other than W5, W6, W7, or W9 (because the actual total doesn’t occur until
weight drops below the threshold, so the weight used for the Total would no longer be on the scale). Use “Print on Load” to print the weight used for the total.
4,5 & 6) Print on Set-Point:
Set point 1, Set point 2, or Set-point 1&2 can be configured to trigger a data print. Once transmitted, the set-
point must go off then on again to transmit again. Print on a set point can also be configured to print when
two set-points are true. This configuration allows printing when the weight is outside two limits or when the
weight is inside two limits (windowed). The “MOTN DET” menu determines if printing is allowed or disal-
lowed when the weight is in motion and/or not stable.
7) Print On Change:
Every time the weight changes 1 full display count or more, one transmission of data will occur. The “MOTN
DET” menu determines if printing is allowed or disallowed when the weight is in motion and/or not stable.
Interval has no effect in this mode.
8) Print on Load Change:
When the load weight exceeds the Total Threshold and motion ceases, one transmission of data will occur.
Once transmitted, the scale must return below the Total Threshold to re-enable the transmission. Interval has
no effect in this mode.
9) Print Continuous or on Intervals:
The Data String can be transmitted continuously for driving scoreboards. The “MOTN DET” menu determines
if printing is allowed or disallowed when the weight is in motion and/or not stable.
10) Print on CTS (Clear to Send, a RS-232 handshake line):
By toggling the CTS line from space to mark, the print string will be transmitted. If the interval is set, the
string will continue to print as long as CTS is asserted.
In addition to the Control modes above, the master CellScale can also force formatted print strings out the Comm
Port. See the CellScale manual for more information on Set Point messages and other types of remotely gener-
ated messaging.
There is also a special print mode used with the VIEW key. Pushing VIEW followed immediately by the PRINT
key will output just the current ID Codes total and Total Count. See “@W7” for formatting information on this
special output.
The Comm Port Parameters menu is one of the most extensive menus in the 3750CS. This menu does standard
RS-232 setup and formats the data for Comm port 1 of the 3750CS. It does not affect the Comm Ports in any
related CellScale. Comm Port 2 has menus for setting up the default RF Network (identical to procedures shown
in Section 2), but providing a way to set up the modem without having to dedicate a function key to the task.
The FORMAT menu is the heart of the communications system. It controls the data output generated by the
3750CS Meter.
: The “DATA” section is where all printing and formatting commands are entered. This is covered in depth
in the “Printer Formatting” section.
: The “START LINE” string can be 0 to 4 characters long. It is intended for commonly used com-
mands that usually precede printed lines. Typically ESC codes are used on some printers to enable or format the
print string. The start of line string is usually referred to as the “SOL string”. The string defaults to empty.
: The “END-OF-LINE” string can be 0 to 4 characters long. Most commonly used for Carriage Return
(CR) or Line Feed (LF), or CR/LF. The EOL string defaults to Line Feed. See “Programming the End of Line
String for an example.