System • 3750CS-5 User Guide Page 49
Software V2-21 or greater, 2nd Generation Modem
The CellScale system provides extensive Set Point capabilities. Up to 32 Set Points are available. The CellScale
performs the A/D conversions and does limit checking for all the Set Points. The 3750CS receives Set Point
information from the CellScale and responds as programmed.
All 32 Set Points are setup from either the CellScale Terminal Interface, or from a 3750CS. All Set Point value
parameters are stored in the CellScale and are independent of any other device, including the 3750CS. When
a Set Point is tripped (true condition), the CellScale transmits to all connected 3750CS’s a message signifying
which Set Point tripped.
The 3750CS Meter can fill a variety of applications in control, batching, safety and informational warnings. Set
points can be used to trigger RS-232 data transmissions (see “COMM PORTS”). All 32 Set Points can put a mes-
sage on the display or blink or blank the display. Set Points 1 and 2 have front panel LED indication. Add the
Set Points Relay Option for relay outputs. This option includes seven 115VAC 1A relays and an 8th logic output.
The Relay Option board’s 8 outputs correspond to CellScale Set Points 1-8 and cannot be mapped to other Set
Points (9-32).
Unique to 3750CS Parameters
The 3750CS can respond to the Set Point transmission in several ways:
1) Close a relay (Set Points 1–8 w/ option board).
2) Turn on an LED indicator (Set Points 1–2).
3) Blink the LCD weight reading (Set Points 1-32).
4) Blank the LCD weight reading (Set Points 1-32).
5) Display a message on the lower alphanumeric display (Set Points 1-32).
6) Send a message out the RS-232 port of the 3750CS (Set Points 1-32). This message can include
weight parameters, time, date, and any random text the user requires (using MSI @ codes).
These actions are independent of what the CellScale does, and are independent of other 3750CS’s that might be
on the Network. These Set Point actions are stored only in the 3750CS and must be programmed independently
in all 3750CS’s used in the system.
Parameters stored in the CellScale
All parameters related to the Set Point values are stored only in the CellScale, but can be programmed from any
RF connected 3750CS. These parameters include the following:
1) One or two threshold values (Value 1 and Value 2).
2) An “Operator” for each value (Oper 1 and Oper 2) which specifies whether the Set Point is Less
Than, Greater Than, etc.
3) An Operator Relationship (Op Relat) which specifies an “AND” or “OR” relationship between
Value 1 and Value 2.
4) A “Trigger Type” for each value (Trigtyp1 and Trigtyp2) which specifies if the Set Point responds
to Gross weight, Net weight, Total weight, or number of samples in the total (nSamples). “nSam-
ples” can also be thought of as a box counter or load counter.
5) Preact, Postact, and Deadzone – These parameters modify the value of the Set Point for process
control applications. The effect of these value modifiers is detailed below.
6) Input Source – This parameter relates the Set Point to a position in the Channel List. This allows
any Set Point to be assigned to any input channel or Math channel in the Cell Scale.
The Channel list must be configured in the CellScale. It cannot be programmed from the 3750CS.
7) Output Destination – The output destination list is also configured in the CellScale and is used to
direct Set Point outputs at the CellScale end. See the CellScale manual for further information on
this parameter.
The Output Destination list must be configured in the CellScale. It cannot be programmed from the 3750CS.
8) Latching – Any Set Point can be configured to Latch on when tripped so even when the set point
is no longer true the output remains on.