System • 3750CS-5 User Guide Page 61
Software V2-21 or greater, 2nd Generation Modem
• The MSI 3750CS is equipped with a single RS-232 serial input/output and a Real Time Clock/Calendar. The
Comm Port is intended for interfacing printers, data loggers, scoreboards, and computers to the 3750CS Meter.
The real-time clock allows the user to time and/or date stamp any data obtained from the 3750CS.
• The data output is fully format able. The 3750CS, under menu control will print control characters for easy
interfacing to any label printer. An initialize string combined with start string, product labels, user program-
mable data, weight data, and end strings, provides complete control over printed data.
• Many scales and weigh meters suspend weighing operation while printing and will not function until a print
job is completed. The MSI 3750CS RS-232 output uses advanced DMA (direct memory access) techniques
for transmitting the print strings. This prevents long print jobs from interfering with scale operation.
Comm Port Function
The RS-232 output is used in conjunction with the PRINT key to output weight and total data to a printer or can
be used for bi-directional communications with a computer, allowing full computer control of scale functions. In
addition there are several automatic print modes including print on Total, when there is a weight change, or when
a set point is reached. Interval and continuous printing is available for data logging or interfacing Scoreboard
Comm Port 2 is dedicated to RF Communications and not accessible for user programming. However, Modem
parameters and diagnostic menus are available.
The electrical characteristics of the serial input/output conform to the EIA Standard EIA-232-D (downward compat-
ible with RS-232C). Comm Port 1 is configured as DCE. Cable connections include RXD (input), TXD (output),
Ground, CTS (input), RTS (output), and Shield Ground (also known as Frame Ground). CTS/RTS handshaking
is optional and the lines do not need to be connected
3750CS units have a water-proof connector on the rear panel. This connector mates with MSI P/N 12023 which
provide unterminated wires, or MSI P/N 501705-0001 which provides a standard 9 pin “D” connector termina-
Unterminated wire assignments are: Brown – TXD (output), Black – RXD (input), White – CTS (input), Grey
– RTS (output), and Blue is Signal Ground.
The 3750CS serial port options are configured with the “COMPORT” Menus. Standard data configuration is:
Data String Buffers
A Data String is simply a collection of characters stored in memory, that are used to format the Comm Port output.
Data Strings are defined by the user. The length of the formatting strings are limited to 255 characters.. However,
since 3 or 4 character commands can cause an output of up to 99 characters in length, the 255 limit does not
represent the maximum size of the data output. The 3750CS offers the programmer the ability to print any and all
weight data, time and date stamp, and formatting controls suitable for even the most complex bar code printer.
Data Format
Each transmitted reading consists of a number of programmable character strings. Data is completely user pro-
grammable and can include formatting characters and text in addition to all weight parameters. The End-of-Line
string is used for Carriage Return or other end-of-line control characters. These are easily entered through the
Comm Port menu or downloaded through a computer.
The MSI 3750CS serial port functions in any of 10 modes:
1) Front Panel Print Key:
This is a print on command mode which works when the print button on the front panel is pushed. The Print
key is active in all modes unless disabled by computer control or the Lock Function. The “MOTN DET” menu