System • 3750CS-5 User Guide Page 29
Software V2-21 or greater, 2nd Generation Modem
Key Functions during ID Entry
Used to Initiate ID Code entry.
The location of ID# can be changed with the Function Key Setup procedure.
Used to enter characters. If pushed twice Enter also functions as “EXIT and
Pushing the EXIT key will terminate the data entry and cause any changes
made to be canceled. “EXIT and don’t SAVE”.
The Alpha Key is used to change the data entry from Numeric to Alpha-numeric.
The LCD indicates “n” for numeric entry, “U” for upper case Alpha-numeric,
and “L” for lower case Alpha-numeric.
Alpha-numeric Keys. When the Alpha key is in the “n” condition, these keys
provide direct numeric digits. When the Alpha key is in the “U” condition, the
keys provide the letters and number. For example, the 2 key provides “E”, “F”,
and “2” in rotation. The 9 key provides quick access to the “@” symbol
Clear. Will erase any character the cursor is positioned on and move the remain-
ing characters to the left.
Pushing CLEAR followed by the LEFT Cursor key will clear the entire data line.
Up and Down Scroll keys (numeric mode). Used to scroll through the available
character set. Using the Scroll keys can be an alternate to using the Alpha-
numeric keys. They provide a convenient way to change, for example, a 1 to
a 2.
Left and Right Cursor Keys. Use to position the cursor under characters to be
Used to insert characters within a string. Position the cursor over the character
you wish to insert in front of, then push the NET/GROSS key. The “highlight”
character will appear on the current position. Pressing the DOWN Scroll
key will delete the current character. Pressing the UP Scroll key will insert a
In Alpha mode, the space key provides space and punctuation marks: ! “ # $
% & ‘ ( ) * +, – . / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] ^ _ `
Some of the punctuation marks are hard to recognize on the 16 segment display. Use the ASCII chart and the
numeric display to verify the identity of the mark.
General Alpha-numeric Entry Procedure
1) Use the
(ALPHA) key to switch between numeric “n”, upper case “U”, or lower case “L”.
2) Press the desired character key. If a “B” is needed, push the
key twice.
3) Enter the displayed character by either pushing a different key, or the
key. If, for example, two “B”s
in a row are needed, use the
4) Terminate the character string by pushing
Some lower case characters can not be properly represented on the 16 segment displays. Lower case letters with descenders may be represented with the upper-
case equivalent on the LCD. However, when the ID Code is printed or transmitted to a computer, the proper lower case character will be sent. Font Substitutions:
“F” for “f”, “P” for “p”, “X” for “x”,