System • 3750CS-5 User Guide Page 63
Software V2-21 or greater, 2nd Generation Modem
: The “WAIT CHARACTER”, if entered, will cause the print output to pause after each EOL string
until the designated character is received by the port. To use the Wait Character mode, the Comm Port mode must
be Duplex. Once the proper Wait Character has been received the 3750CS will output the next data string up to
the next EOL string.
: The MODE menu sets the communications mode for the port. Use “TALK” for outputting data to a printer
that uses hardware handshaking or no handshaking. Use “DUPLEX” for printers with software handshaking (XON
/ XOFF, etc.) or to talk and listen to a computer. Use “LISTEN” to only receive commands from a computer. Use
“OFF” to disable the port (and save power on battery units).
: The control menu designates the condition that causes the 3750CS to output data. The Print key
will always work unless specifically locked out. When the designated control is received by the scale, the print
string specified in the “DATA” menu will be transmitted. If the “MOTION” parameter is enabled, the motion
annunciator must be off for the scale to output data. If a valid control is received, the 3750CS will wait for the next
settled (out of Motion) reading before it will output data. See descriptions of the Control Modes in the “Output
Control” section above.
: When enabled the scale will only print settled data, i.e. when the motion detection annunciator is off.
In legal for trade systems, the MOTN DET menu item is not editable. Use disabled when it is necessary to send
data out the Comm port while the weight is in motion.
: Selecting “ONCE” means that after the trigger condition, a single transmission of data will occur.
Selecting “ON” enables a timed transmission rate. A print interval can be entered from 0 to 28,800 seconds. Used
in conjunction with the Continuous output mode, this can generate a time based data-logging system. An interval
of 0 seconds means that the scale will output data at the highest rate possible (limited to 4 readings per second).
Interval used with other control modes can be useful for control and monitoring purposes.
: The Settings menu is used to set standard Comm Port parameters. See “To Set The Baud Rate” for
an example of how to use these setting menus.
BAUD RATE: Standard Baud Rates available are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, and 38400. The
3750CS defaults to 9600 Baud.
STOP BITS: Either 1 or 2 Stop Bits can be set. Stop Bits default to 1.
DATA BITS: Either 7 or 8 Data Bits can be set. If 7 bit mode is set, Data Characters above 127dec cannot be
sent or received. The default is 8 bits.
PARITY: Parity mode is NONE, EVEN or ODD. The 3750CS defaults to “NONE”, parity off.
HANDSHAK(e): Comm Port Handshaking is set in this menu. Use XON/XOFF for software handshaking
commonly used in communicating with computers. Use CTS/RTS for hardware handshaking. Use NONE
for situations where no handshaking is required or possible.
The Comm Port 2 menus are intended for setting up, initializing, and troubleshooting the RF Modem. With the
exception of the “MODEM” menu, which duplicates the functions of the MODEM function key (see Section 2
for details on setting the RF Network parameters), these menus should be left untouched by the end user.
: Identical to the MODEM function key. This submenu provides a way to setup the RF Network param-
eters allowing you to not have to use a function key for “MODEM”.
: The mode submenu has four selections: 1) WIT Remote – This is the default setting. Indicates the 3750CS
internal modem is functioning as a remote for its configured network. 2) Off – Disables the internal modem. There
is never a reason to do this except for troubleshooting purposes. 3) WIT CNFG – This connects the data from
the internal modem directly to the RS-232 Comm Port. This allows a terminal program to monitor the RF traffic
between the 3750CS and its master modem. This traffic is not in human readable form. 4) WIT INIT – Pushing
the Enter key when in the WIT INIT selection completely initializes the Modem parameters. If you do this, you
must reenter all the RF Network settings.
Improper setting of these selections can prevent the 3750CS from communicating with any CellScale.
The RS-232 Option can format virtually any Printer or Serial Data Device including complex bar-code label
printers through the use of the built in printer formatting. To use this versatile feature, the user must input com-
mand codes and data in a specific manner. Each command code consists of a 2 letter mnemonic. Some command