ATP Tools and Materials
– continued
300 BTS Hardware Installation, ATP and FRU Procedures
DEC 2000
Optional Equipment
None of the optional equipment specified here is supported
by the LMF in automated tests. It is meant to serve as a list
of additional equipment that might be required during
maintenance and troubleshooting operations.
Digital multimeter
Fluke Model 8062A with Y8134 test lead kit or equivalent; used for
precision DC and AC measurements, requiring 4–1/2 digits.
Frequency counter
Stanford Research Systems SR620 or equivalent. If direct measurement
of the 19.6608 MHz references is required.
Spectrum analyzer
Spectrum Analyzer (HP8594E with CDMA personality card) or
equivalent. Required for manual tests other than standard tests
performed by the LMF.
Span line (JT1) verification equipment
As required for local application
RF test cable (if not provided with test equipment)
Motorola model TKN8231A. Used to connect test equipment to the
BTS during ATP or general troubleshooting procedures.
Tektronics model 2445 or equivalent. Used for waveform viewing,
timing and measurements during general troubleshooting procedures.
CDMA subscriber mobile or portable radiotelephone
CDMA compatible with power supply and antenna. Used to provide test
transmission and reception during BTS maintenance and
troubleshooting. Two radios will be required for system and drive
around testing after BTS installation and optimization.