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Preventative Maintenance
Recorder Maintenance
Ultraviolet Light
We recommend storing the recordings in a filing cabinet within a few days of printing.
Long term exposure to natural or artificial U.V. sources is detrimental.
Storage Temperature and Humidity
Keep the recordings in a cool and dry area for a longer lasting image. Extreme
temperature and humidity (above 80° F/26° C and 80% humidity) should be avoided.
Solvent Reactions
Do not store the recordings in plastic bags, acetate sheet protectors, or similar items
made from petroleum products. These products emit a small amount of vapor which will,
over a period of time, deteriorate the image on the chart paper.
Adhesive Tape
Never place adhesive tape over recordings. The reaction between the adhesive
compound and the chemical/thermal paper can destroy the image within hours.
We recommend that if long term archives are required, make a photocopy of the
recordings as back-up. Under normal office filing conditions, the recordings should retain
acceptable image quality for about five years