Diesel Fuels
Use only com m ercially available vehi
cular diesel fuels No. 2 or No. 1
(ASTM D 975 No. 2-D or No. 1-D).
Diesel Fuel A dditives in Vehicles Cer
tified fo r California Operation.
California version diesel engines are
equipped with a Trap Oxidizer. If you
use non-approved fuel additives, the
Trap Oxidizer could be damaged,
resulting in severe engine pow er loss
and expensive repairs, not covered
under the new vehicle warranty.
See your authorized MERCEDES-
BENZ dealer to find out if a list of
approved additives is available.
Change engine oil in com pliance with
section “ Engine Oil Change and Oil
Filter Service” if diesel fuels are used
whose sulphur co ntent exceeds
0.5 % by weight. Marine diesel fuel,
heating oil or the like m ust not be
A t very low tem peratures the fluidity
o f No. 2-D diesel fuel may become
insufficient due to paraffin separation.
To avoid m alfunctions, No. 2-D diesel
fuel of a lowered cloud point is mar
keted during the cold season.
A t tem peratures below 0° C (32° F)
use w interized or No. 1 diesel fuel
only. If not available, a certain quantity
of kerosene may be added. Mixing
only to be done w ithin the cars’ fuel
tank. Kerosene has to be filled in
before the diesel fuel.
Engine pow er may drop according to
the p roportion of kerosene. For this
reason, keep percentage of kerosene
added to the minimum necessitated
by the am bient tem perature.
The follow ing table can be used as a
reference, if adding of kerosene
becom es necessary. The mixing
ratios shown refer to the total m ix
ture. Even in extrem e clim atic co n d i
tions, the maximum m ixture ratio
should not exceed 50 °/o.
A m bient tem perature
A dding of kerosene to No. 1-D diesel
fuel is not recom m ended even at low
tem peratures.
Under no circumstances should
gasoline be added to diesel fuel.
This will destroy the Trap Oxidizer.
Always follow basic safety rules
when working with any combustible
material. Do not fill the fuel tank or
mix diesel fuel and kerosene when
smoking, near an open flame or
while the vehicle’s engine is running.
An explosion or fire can result.
No. 2
Diesel Fuel
0° C to - 1 0 ° C ( + 32° F to + 1 4 ° F)
below - 1 0 ° C (+ 1 4 ° F)