S u p p le m e n ta l R e stra in t S ystem —
S eat B elts, E m ergency Tensioning
R e tra c to rs , D river A irbag
Seat Belts and Emergency Tension
ing Retractor
Y our vehicle is equipped w ith seat
belts and em ergency tensioning
retractors fo r fro n t seats. The te n
sioning retractors are located in each
b e lt’s inertia reel and becom e opera
tionally ready with the key in steering
lock position 1 or 2.
Laws in your state may require seat
belt use.
Seat belt warning buzzer and
rem inder lamp:
W ith the key in steering lock posi
tion 2, a warning buzzer sounds fo r a
sh o rt tim e if the drive r’s seat belt is
not fastened.
When som eone enters the car the
rem inder lamp, located below the
fro n t in terior/reading lamp, flashes fo r
a sh o rt tim e to remind all occupants
to fasten seat belts.
• Puil belt w ith latch plate (1)
over shoulder and lap. Do not
tw ist the belt doing this.
• Push latch plate (1) into buckle (2)
until it clicks.
• A d ju st fro n t seat belts so the
upper belt is located as near as
possible to the middle of the
shoulder (it should not touch the
neck). For this purpose, push b u t
ton (4) and raise or lower belt o u t
let (3 positions).
• The belt m ust be pulled snug and
checked fo r snugness immedia
tely after engaging it and during
driving. If necessary, tighten the
lap portion to a snug fit by pulling
shoulder portion up.