Changing Wheels
1. Set parking brake.
2. Move selector lever to
position “ P” .
3. Prevent vehicle from rolling away
by blocking w heels with wheel
chocks: When changing a wheel
on a hill, place chocks on the
downhill side of each wheel of the
o ther axle; on a level road, place
one chock in fro n t o f and one
behind the wheel that is diagonally
opposite to the wheel being
4. Using the com bination wrench,
loosen b u t do not yet remove the
wheel bolts.
5. Remove cap from the jack support
tube. (The tube openings are
located directly behind the fro n t
wheel housings and in fro n t of the
rear wheel housings.)
6. Insert jack arm fully into the tube
hole up to the stop. Position the
jack so that it will always be verti
cal as seen from the side, even on
inclines. Jack up the vehicle until
the wheel is clear off the ground.
The jack is designed exclusively
for jacking up the vehicle at the
jack tubes built into either side
of the vehicle. Use the jack only
to lift the vehicle during a tire
change. Never get beneath the
vehicle while it is supported
only by the jack. Jack stands
must be used when working
under the vehicle.
7. Then unscrew wheel bolts com
pletely. Keep b o lt threads p ro
te cte d from d irt and sand.
While rem oving last bolt, hold
wheel against hub to avoid paint
damage on rim.
8 . Remove wheel.
9. Screw the alignm ent bolt (sup
plied in tool kit) into an upper
threaded hole.
10. A d ju st the jack height so that the
wheel can be slipped on w ithout
being lifted.