Jum p S ta rtin g
If the battery is discharged the engine
can be started with jum per cables and
the (12 V) battery of another vehicle.
Proceed as follow s:
1. Position the vehicle w ith the
charged battery so that the ju m
per cables will reach, but never let
the vehicles touch. Make sure the
jum per cables do not have loose
or missing insulation.
2. On both vehicles:
• Turn o ff engine and all lights
and accessories, except
hazard flashers or w o rk lights.
• Apply parking brake and shift
selector lever to position “ P” .
• Be sure the vent caps are tight
and level. Place a damp cloth
over the vent caps, making
certain it is clear of all moving
3. Clamp one end of the firs t jum per
cable to the positive ( + ) terminal
on the discharged battery and the
other end to the positive ( + ) te r
minal on the charged battery.
Make sure the cable clamps do
not touch any o ther metal parts.
4. Clamp one end of the second ju m
per cable to the grounded nega
tive ( —) terminal of the charged
battery and the final connection to
a grounded heavy metal bracket in
the engine com partm ent or on the
engine of the disabled vehicle.
Make sure the cables are not on
or near pulleys, fans, o r other
parts that will move when the
engine is started.
5. Start engine o f the vehicle with the
charged battery and run at high
idle. Then start engine of the disa
bled vehicle in the usual manner.
6 . A fte r the engine has started,
remove jum per cables by revers
ing the above installation sequ
ence exactly, starting with the
jum per cable connected to a
heavy metal bracket in the disa
bled ve h icle ’s engine com part
ment. When rem oving each clamp,
make sure that it does not touch
any o th e r metal while the other
end is still attached.
A discharged battery can freeze at
approx. — 10° C (+ 1 4 ° F). In all
cases it m ust be thawed out before
jum per cables are used.
Jum per cable specifications:
• Minimum cable cross-section of
25 m m 2 or approx. 2 AWG
• Maximum length of 3500 mm
(11.5 ft).
Never lean over batteries while jump
starting, you might get burned.
Battery fluid contains sulfuric acid.
Do not allow this fluid to come in
contact with eyes, skin, or clothing.
In case it does, immediately flush
affected area with water, and seek
medical help.
A battery will also produce hydrogen
gas, which is flammable and explo
sive. Keep flames or sparks away
from battery, i.e. improper connec
tion of jumper cables, cigarette
smoking, etc..