O u r com pany and staff congratulate you on the purchase
of your new MERCEDES-BENZ.
Y our selection of our p ro d u ct is a dem onstration of your
tru s t in ou r com pany name. Further, it exem plifies your
desire to own an autom obile that will be as such as
possible easy to operate and provide years of service.
Y our M ERCEDES-BENZ represents the efforts of many
skilled engineers and craftsm en. To ensure your pleasure in
ow ning it, we ask you to make a small investm ent of your
tim e:
• Please read this manual carefully before putting it aside.
• Please co n sid e r the recom m endations contained in this
manual. They are designed to acquaint you w ith the
operation of your MERCEDES-BENZ.
We extend our best w ishes fo r many miles of safe,
pleasurable driving.
Daim ler-Benz A ktie n ge se llsch a ft