Selector Lever Positions
The autom atic gear shifting process
can be adapted to specific operating
conditions using the se le cto r lever.
‘P” Parking lock.
The parking lock is an additional
safeguard to the parking brake
when parking the vehicle.
Engage only w ith the car
‘R” Reverse gear.
Shift to reverse gear only with
the car stopped.
‘N” Neutral.
No pow er is transm itted from the
engine to the rear axle. When the
brakes are released, the vehicle
can be moved freely (pushed,
tow ed or tow -started). Do not
engage “ N ” when driving except
when the vehicle is in danger of
skidding (e.g. on icy roads, see
page 16).
“ D” Drive.
A utom atic upshifting to to p gear.
Position “ D” affords optim um
driving characteristics under all
normal operating conditions.
“ 3 ” Upshift to 3rd gear only. Suitable
fo r medium range up or dow n
“ 2 ” U pshift to 2nd gear only. For
driving in mountainous regions.
Since transm ission will not shift
up further, this gear selection will
make use of the engine’s braking