C harge In d ic a to r Lamp
Should the charge indicator lamp fail
to com e on prior to starting when the
key is in steering lock position 2 or
should it fail to go out after starting or
during operation, this indicates a fault
w hich m ust be repaired at an author
ized MERCEDES-BENZ dealer as
soon as possible.
W hen the charge indicator lamp
glows while the engine is running, the
V -belt may have broken (which also
makes the w ater pump inoperative).
This may cause overheating and dam
age to the engine. In this case the
V -belt m ust be replaced immediately.
Oil Pressure Gauge
The oil pressure at idle speed may
drop to 0.3 bar (4.4 psi) if the engine
is at operating tem perature. This will
not jeopardize its operational reliabil
Pressure must, however, rise
immediately upon acceleration.
Low E ngine Oil Level
In d ic a to r Lamp
The indicator lamp com es on with the
key in steering lock position 2 and
should go o u t when the engine is run
If the indicator lamp com es on with
the engine running and at operating
tem perature, the oil level has dropped
to the minim um mark on the dipstick.
When this occurs, the indicator lamp
will firs t com e on interm ittently and
then stay on if the oil level drops fu r
ther. Engine oil should be added at
the next o p p o rtu n ity (we recom m end
that you add 1 liter [1.1 US qt]).
In addition to the indicator lamp, the
engine oil level should be periodically
checked with the dipstick, fo r exam
ple after a fuel fill-up, or before a long
trip (see page 66).
Engine Oil C o n su m p tio n
Engine oil consum ption can only be
determ ined after a certain mileage
has been covered. During the break-
in period, higher oil consum ption may
be noticed and is normal.
C o o la n t T em p e ra tu re Gauge
If the antifreeze m ixture is effective to
- 30° C ( - 22° F) the boiling point of
the coolant in the pressurized cooling
system of your vehicle is approx.
125° C (257° F) (see also “ Fuels,
Coolants, Lubricants, e tc .” ).
During severe operating conditions
and stop-and-go city traffic, the co o
lant tem perature may rise close to the
red marking.
Low Engine C o o la n t Level
In d ic a to r Lamp
The indicator lamp com es on w ith the
key in steering lock position 2, and
should go out when the engine is run
If it com es on w ith the engine running,
the coolant has dropped below the
required level. You should then have
the engine cooling system checked
fo r signs of leakage and have it refilled
as soon as possible (see page 65).