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Emergency Operation of Sliding
The sliding roof can be opened or
closed manually should an electrical
m alfunction occur.
Remove access cover in left side
panel of trunk with a screwdriver.
Insert socket wrench (from tool kit)
through opening in panel and place
on the hex-drive of the electric motor.
Turn socket wrench (by hand) to
open or close roof as desired.
To slide the roof closed: turn clo c k
To lower the roof at the rear: turn
counterclockw ise.
Unlocking of Fuel Filler Flap
If the central locking system does not
release the fuel fille r flap autom ati
cally, pull back the knob on the vac-
cuum elem ent on the right side of the
trunk while opening the fille r flap.
Windshield Wipers
To replace or release frozen w ind
shield w iper blades, the w indshield
w iper arms can be pulled out of their
recess by hand. S ufficient force must
be applied to overcom e spring resist
ance. Be careful not to tear rubber
blades w hich are frozen to the glass,
as this will reduce the effectiveness of
the wipers.
To ensure operation of the w indshield
w iper even when it is snowing heavily,
an overload protection has been
installed. It becom es effective if a ce r
tain wiping resistance is exceeded as
a result o f snow accum ulation. The
w indshield w ip e r arm will then no lon
ger return com pletely to its initial pos
ition, although the windshield wiper
m otor continues to run a full cycle. If
this condition is encountered, the
accum ulated snow should be man
ually rem oved when it is safe.