E xte rio r R e a rV ie w M irrors
The exterior m irrors have electrically
heated glass. The heater sw itches on
and o ff automatically, depending on
outside tem perature.
D river’s side:
The exterior m irror (2) can be
adjusted from inside the vehicle by
moving adjusting lever (1) in the
desired direction.
Passenger side:
The passenger side exterior m irror is
convex (curved surface). Exercise
care when using the passenger side
mirror. See warning im print on mirror.
To adjust the m irror:
Turn key to steering lock position 2.
The exterior m irro r can be adjusted
using the sw itch. A d ju st the m irror so
you can ju s t see the side of your vehi
cle in the portion of the m irror closest
to the car.
If the m irro r housing is fo rcib ly
pivoted from its normal position, it
m ust be repositioned manually by
applying firm pressure until it snaps
into place.
Inside Rear View M irror
The m irro r can be tilted to the anti
glare night position using the lever at
its low er edge.
1 = Normal position
2 = Anti-glare night position.
Use your inside m irror to determ ine
the size and distance of ob je cts seen
in the convex mirror.