Central Locking System
The entire vehicle may be locked or
unlocked with the central locking sys
tem :
• Using the master or valet key in
either fro n t door.
• Using the master key in the trunk
• By pushing down or pulling up the
interior door lock bu tto n at either
fro n t door.
The central locking system locks or
unlocks all doors, tru n k lid and fuel
fille r flap simultaneously.
When you lock the car, all d o o r lock
bu ttons should move down. If any one
stays up, the respective d o o r is not
properly closed. You should then
unlock the car, open and reclose this
door, and lock the car again.
The central locking system can be
engaged from the driver-side door
lock button, provided the d o o r is
com pletely closed. It can also be
engaged from the passenger-side if
the ignition key is removed, or
engaged in the steering lock w ithout
being turned (key in position 0).
If the car has been locked from the
outside with the m aster key, the anti
theft alarm will com e on if a door is
opened from the inside, or if opened
with the valet key.
To unlock the tru n k with the central
locking system , turn the m aster key in
the trunk lock com pletely to the left
and let it return to the normal posi
tion. Push in tru n k lock button and
open the trunk. To lock the trunk, turn
the m aster key com pletely to the right
and let it return to the normal posi
The tru n k can remain locked while the
central locking system is unlocked
(e.g. w hile driving or when leaving the
car in a situation where it m ust be
driven using the valet key, but you
wish the trunk to remain locked at
parking lots, w orkshops, etc.). Turn
the m aster key com pletely to the right
and pull it out in that position. Now
the tru n k can only be unlocked with
the m aster key by turning it back to
the left.
If the tru n k is unlocked with the
central locking system engaged, the
doors and fuel fille r flap will also be
unlocked. A fte r closing the trunk, the
central locking system m ust again be
engaged using the key!
If the fuel fille r flap cannot be opened,
refer to “ Unlocking of Fuel Filler Flap”
(page 79).