Rear W indow D e fro ste r
W ith engine running, press symbol
side of ro cke r sw itch to turn on, b o t
to m to tu rn off.
When activating the rear w indow
defroster, the indicator lamp inside
the sw itch will com e on.
The rear w indow d e fro ste r uses a
large am ount of power. To keep the
battery drain to a minimum, turn off
the defro ste r as soon as the w indow
is clear. The d e fro ste r is autom atic
ally turned o ff after a maximum of
20 m inutes of operation. Heavy accu
mulation of snow and ice should be
rem oved before activating the defros
If several pow er consum ers are
turned on sim ultaneously, or the bat
tery is only partially charged, it is pos
sible that the d e fro ste r autom atically
turns itself off. When this happens,
the indicator lamp inside the switch
starts blinking. As soon as the battery
has sufficient voltage, the defroster
autom atically turns itself back on.