Anti-Theft Alarm System
The anti-theft alarm can be armed or
disarm ed w ith the m aster key (identi
fied by red dot) by locking or unlock
ing either fro n t door or the trunk.
Once the alarm system has been
armed, the exterior vehicle lamps will
flash and the horn will sound in te rm it
te n tly when som eone tries t o :
open a door
open the trunk
open the hood
remove the radio
sw itch on or bridge the ignition
circu it
step on the brake pedal
raise the vehicle, i.e. tow ing away.
The alarm will last approxim ately
150 seconds in the form of blinking
exterior lamps. A t the same time an
additional horn will sound interm it
tently fo r 60 seconds, pause fo r
30 seconds, and repeat fo r another
60 seconds.
The alarm will stay on even if the arm
ing elem ent (a door, fo r example) is
immediately closed.
N ote:
If the radio is rem oved from its
m ounting when the anti-theft alarm is
armed the radio will autom atically be
rendered inoperative!
To avoid setting o ff the alarm uninten
tionally, do not arm the alarm system
in the follow ing situations; e.g.: A uto
ferry, auto train, when h itch in g /
unhitching a trailer, or heavy loading/
unloading. For this purpose use the
valet key and not the m aster key fo r
locking the vehicle.
Special Function
To activate the anti-theft alarm from
the trunk, tu rn the m aster key in the
trunk lock com pletely to the right and
pull it o u t in this position.
If you w ant the alarm system to be
armed at the tru n k only, turn the mas
te r key in the tru n k lock com pletely to
the right and pull it out in that posi
tion. Then disarm the rest of the vehi
cle by unlocking either fro n t door with
the m aster key. You can now lock or
unlock the doors and filler flap, as well
as start the engine, using the valet
Do not give the m aster key to an
unauthorized person. We recom m end
that you carry the flat key safely with
you (e.g. in your wallet) so that it is
always handy. This key has the same
function as the m aster key.