Head Restraints, Rear
A d ju st head restraint to support the
back of the head approxim ately at ear
level. Do not extend the head res
traint past the stop.
For removal of head restraint refer to
“ Practical H ints” .
Heated Seats
The fro n t seat heaters can be
sw itched on w ith the key in steering
lock positions 1 or 2, the rear seat
heaters only in steering lock posi
tion 2.
The sw itches fo r the fro n t seats are
located at the forw ard end of the cen
te r console, those fo r the rear seats
are located in the rear doors.
Heater operation:
Push in upper sw itch p ortion; posi
tion 1 = normal heater operation, one
indicator lamp lights up.
Push in lower sw itch p ortion; posi
tion 2 = rapid heating, both indicator
lamps light up.
A fter approxim ately 5 m inutes in the
rapid heating mode, the heater auto
matically sw itches to normal opera
tion and only one indicator lamp will
stay on.
Turning off heater:
If one indicator lamp is on, press in
upper part of sw itch, position 1.
If both indicator lamps are on, press
in lower part of sw itch, position 2.
The heater autom atically turns off
after approxim ately 30 m inutes of
When in operation, the seat heater
consum es a large am ount of power. It
is advisable not to use the seat heater
longer than necessary.