User´s manual
US edition
Order No: 66 00 261
Inspiratory Cycle-off is important for the
cle-off is important for the
patient’s comfort and ventilator
synchronization with the patient. Inspiratory
zation with the patient. Inspiratory
Cycle-off is the point when inspiration
switches to expiration. E.g. for a patient with
xpiration. E.g. for a patient with
expiratory resistance the inspiratory Cycle-
ce the inspiratory Cycle-
off should be set to a high value to guarantee
be set to a high value to guarantee
enough time for expiration.
Note: It is important to monitor the
corresponding Tidal Volume levels.
Volume levels.
Inspiration: when the patient triggers a
ggers a
breath, gas flows into the lungs at a constant
pressure. Since the pressure provided by the
Since the pressure provided by the
ventilator is constant, the flow will decrease
ator is constant, the flow will decrease
until the Inspiratory Cycle-off is reached.
Cycle-off is reached.
Expiration starts when:
n starts when:
– The inspiratory flow decreases to the
pre-set Inspiratory Cycle-off level.
Inspiratory Cycle-off level.
– If the upper pressure limit is exceeded.
mit is exceeded.
– If the flow drops to a flow range between
ge between
25% of the peak flow and lower limit for
k flow and lower limit for
Inspiratory Cycle-off fraction level and
Cycle-off fraction level and
the spent time within this range exceeds
me within this range exceeds
50% of the time spent in between the
% of the time spent in between the
start of the inspiration and entering this
d entering this
The maximum time for inspiration is:
piration is:
• Infant 1.5 seconds
• Adult 2.5 seconds
2.5 seconds
Supported ventilation - Pressure Support
upported ventilation - Pressure Support
pported ventilation - Pressure Support
ported ventilation - Pressure Support
orted ventilation - Pressure Support
rted ventilation - Pressure Support
ted ventilation - Pressure Support
ed ventilation - Pressure Support
d ventilation - Pressure Support
ventilation - Pressure Support
ventilation - Pressure Support
entilation - Pressure Support
ntilation - Pressure Support
tilation - Pressure Support
ilation - Pressure Support
lation - Pressure Support
ation - Pressure Support
tion - Pressure Support
ion - Pressure Support
on - Pressure Support
n - Pressure Support
- Pressure Support
- Pressure Support
Pressure Support
Pressure Support
ressure Support
essure Support
ssure Support
sure Support
ure Support
re Support
e Support