User´s manual
US edition
Order No: 66 00 261
Note: Expiratory Minute Volume: Low
e Volume: Low
Considerable leakage may occur around the
ble leakage may occur around the
endotracheal tube if it is uncuffed. The
f it is uncuffed. The
combination of small tidal volumes, leakage
around the tube and activated compliance
compensation may trigger the Low
Expiratory Minute Volume alarm, due to a
due to a
very low expiratory flow passing from the
m the
patient through the expiratory channel. By
observing the difference between the Vti and
bserving the difference between the Vti and
Vte values presented on the User Interface, a
ues presented on the User Interface, a
leakage can be detected and its extent easily
ge can be detected and its extent easily
controlled. The first time an unacceptably
first time an unacceptably
large leakage occurs around the tube,
occurs around the tube,
correct this problem to avoid triggering the
ggering the
Low Expiratory Minute alarm. If the leakage
Minute alarm. If the leakage
still persists, adjust the alarm limit right down
djust the alarm limit right down
to its lowest level (i.e. 10 ml) – if this step is
10 ml) – if this step is
clinically judged to be appropriate. Finally, if
dged to be appropriate. Finally, if
the leakage still has not been remedied, then
still has not been remedied, then
deactivate the compliance compensation to
avoid triggering the Low Expiratory Minute
Low Expiratory Minute
alarm. If the compliance compensation is
m. If the compliance compensation is
deactivated from Pressure Control, Pressure
ure Control, Pressure
Support or SIMV (Pressure Control)
(Pressure Control)
ventilation modes, then no further settings
hen no further settings
need to be adjusted. However, where
ver, where
volume-related modes are used, then the set
volumes must be adjusted.
High priority alarms
igh priority alarms
gh priority alarms
h priority alarms
priority alarms
priority alarms
riority alarms
iority alarms
ority alarms
rity alarms
ity alarms
ty alarms
y alarms