User´s manual
US edition
Order No: 66 00 261
General warnings
eneral warnings
neral warnings
eral warnings
ral warnings
al warnings
l warnings
• The Servo-i Ventilator System must be
ust be
operated only by authorized personnel
who are well trained in its use. It must be
must be
operated according to the instructions in
this User´s manual.
User´s manual.
• After unpacking, perform a Routine
g, perform a Routine
cleaning and a Pre-use check.
se check.
• To provide adequate patient safety, set the
nt safety, set the
alarm limits to relevant values.
• To avoid electrical shock hazard, connect
ctrical shock hazard, connect
the power cord to a mains outlet equipped
utlet equipped
with a protective ground.
• Should any unfamiliar events occur, such
ccur, such
as irrelevant pop-up windows on the
screen, unfamiliar sounds, alarms from the
miliar sounds, alarms from the
Patient Unit or technical high priority
gh priority
alarms, the ventilator should immediately
be checked and, if applicable, replaced.
• Only accessories and auxiliary equipment
ories and auxiliary equipment
that meet current IEC standards (e.g. IEC
current IEC standards (e.g. IEC
60601-1-1) may be connected to the
1-1-1) may be connected to the
Servo-i Ventilator System. If external
vo-i Ventilator System. If external
equipment such as computers, monitors,
quipment such as computers, monitors,
humidifiers or printers are connected, the
total system must comply with IEC 60601-
ystem must comply with IEC 60601-
• The ventilator must only be used in an
y be used in an
upright position.
• When a Servo Ultra Nebulizer is used,
ulizer is used,
always consult the drug manufacturer
regarding the appropriateness of
ultrasonic nebulization for certain
bulization for certain
• All personnel should be aware of the risk
sonnel should be aware of the risk
of parts being infected when
g infected when
disassembling and cleaning the ventilator.
• Service mode may only be used when no
when no
patient is connected to the ventilator.
• Positive pressure ventilation can be
associated with the following adverse
events: barotrauma, hypoventilation,
ma, hypoventilation,
hyperventilation or circulatory impairment.
• The Servo-i Ventilator System is verified
Servo-i Ventilator System is verified
against and complies with IEC 60601-1-2
gainst and complies with IEC 60601-1-2
C 60601-1-2
regarding electromagnetic compatibility. It
magnetic compatibility. It
is the responsibility of the user to take
user to take
necessary measures to ensure that the
clinical environment is compatible with the
ble with the
limits specified in IEC 60601-1-2.
C 60601-1-2.
Exceeding of these limits may impair the
these limits may impair the
performance and safety of the system.
Such measures should include, but are not
uch measures should include, but are not
limited to:
– Normal precautions with regard to
precautions with regard to
relative humidity and conductive
midity and conductive
characteristics of clothing in order to
minimize the build-up of electrostatic
ze the build-up of electrostatic
– Avoiding the use of radio-emitting
devices, such as cellular phones and
ces, such as cellular phones and
high-frequency apparatus in close
tus in close
proximity to the system.
• The Servo-i Ventilator System is not
Servo-i Ventilator System is not
intended to be used in MR environment
used in MR environment
during MR examinations. This may cause
This may cause
deactivation of the system functions and
may result in permanent damage to the
permanent damage to the
Servo-i Ventilator System.
• The Servo-i Ventilator System is not
intended to be used with any anesthetic
ded to be used with any anesthetic
agent. To avoid risk of fire, flammable
To avoid risk of fire, flammable
agents such as ether and cyclopropane
uch as ether and cyclopropane
must not under any circumstances be
used with this device.
with this device.
Warnings, cautions and important
arnings, cautions and important
rnings, cautions and important
nings, cautions and important
ings, cautions and important
ngs, cautions and important
gs, cautions and important
s, cautions and important
, cautions and important
cautions and important
cautions and important
autions and important
utions and important
tions and important
ions and important
ons and important
ns and important
s and important
and important
and important
nd important
d important